Prayers of the Righteous – Exposition of James Week Twenty-one

Welcome to week twenty-one of our study on the Epistle of James! Tonight we begin the last page of our workbook with the final verses of this magnificent Letter from James. We will be reading about the prayers of the righteous as well as how and when we should pray.


Week One – An Expository Study of James
Week Two – Joy in Our Trials
Week Three – Giving Birth to Sin Part One
Week Four – Giving Birth to Sin Part Two
Week Five – Receiving the Word
Week Six – Receiving the Word Part Two
Week Seven – The Royal Law
Week Eight – The Royal Law Part Two
Week Nine – A Living Faith
Week Ten – A Living Faith Part Two
Week Eleven – A World of Iniquity/Taming the Tongue
Week Twelve – Taming the Tongue Part Two
Week Thirteen – Heavenly Wisdom
Week Fourteen – Heavenly Wisdom Part Two
Week Fifteen – Warning Against Worldliness
Week Sixteen – Warning Against Worldliness Part Two
Week Seventeen – Proper Planning
Week Eighteen – Proper Planning Part Two
Week Nineteen – Be Patient/Another Warning to the Rich
Week Twenty – Be Patient Part Two


  1. Opening prayer
  2. Introduction
  3. Read James 5:13-16
  4. Read the study notes from
  5. Answer questions 1-5 on page 13 of Workbook on the Epistle of James
  6. Closing prayer

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the encouragement and truth that is contained in these short but important verses. May we seek You in all life’s needs and necessities through prayer and intercession, and may we rejoice in Your never-failing faithfulness and unchanging goodness and grace. Keep us low at the Cross and rejoicing in our hearts for all that You are, and to all who have trusted in You for their salvation. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.[1]

Previous Highlights

  • Last time, we discussed the importance of focusing on heavenly rather than earthly treasures
  • We examined perseverance, patience, and steadfastness as we wait on the return of Jesus Christ
  • We also looked at a warning against making oaths


Read James 5:13-16 and answer questions 1-5 on page 13 of the workbook.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for the wonderful doctors and nurses who always do their best to help us when we are sick or injured. But help us to remember that You are the Great Physician Who is fully able to heal if it is Your will. Thank You that when we are sick we can visit the doctor, but help us to also come to You for healing, to be prayed over and anointed by the elders of our church. Forgive us for the times that we have doubted You and tried to sort things out ourselves. Give us a humble heart and increase our trust in You. May we never forget that Your grace is sufficient for every aspect of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.[2]

Next Week

Next week is our final James Bible study! We will be looking at verses 17-20 to finish off chapter 5. Have a wonderful week, ladies!

Featured image is from Prayer Remedy for Life – James 5:13-16

By Among The Tares

Daughter of God, friend of Jesus, wife, and mother of two. ❤️ "I no longer call you slaves... Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." John 15:15

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