The Royal Law Part Two – James Week Eight

By Among The Tares Apr6,2022

Welcome to week eight of our study on the Epistle of James! Today we are continuing chapter two which warns against being partial towards others, especially in favoring the rich over the poor. Today we will look at what the Royal Law is, what the “law that gives freedom” is, and will examine the word “mercy.”


Week One – An Expository Study of James
Week Two – Joy in Our Trials
Week Three – Giving Birth to Sin Part One
Week Four – Giving Birth to Sin Part Two
Week Five – Receiving the Word
Week Six – Receiving the Word Part Two
Week Seven – The Royal Law


  1. Opening prayer
  2. Introduction
  3. Read James 2:8-13
  4. Read the study notes from and listen to Jen Wilkin’s Reflecting God’s Character plan about God’s justice.
  5. Answer questions 6-9 on page 6 of Workbook on the Epistle of James
  6. Closing prayer

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for this lesson on impartiality. Thank You that You did not discriminate against me when I was dead in my sins and at enmity with You. Keep me I pray from any form of hypocrisy and may I increasingly consider the needs and feelings of my brothers and sisters in Christ before my own. To Your praise and glory in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.[1]

Previous Highlights

Last week we examined the words prejudice and blaspheme and discussed how and why Scripture emphasizes how we are to treat the poor.


Read James 2:8-13, then listen to Jen’s teaching about how God is just. Answer questions 6-9 on page 6 of the workbook and read the “place of the passage” on

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the truths within its pages. Thank You that I am not in bondage to the Law of Moses, but am free to live in the liberty of the Law of the Spirit of God, in Christ Jesus. Thank You for the lessons I can learn from Your dealings with Israel and of the importance of remaining in fellowship with You, day by day. Thank You that Christ died to pay the full price for my sin, and that I have been given the power to live a holy life, that is honoring to You. Keep me from sinning, for I know that sin, in thought, word, or deed, will remove me from the fellowship I enjoy with You. But thank You that Christ’s sacrifice for me was made once and for all, and that if I confess those times I fall into sin, You are faithful to forgive me and return me into sweet communion with Yourself. Thank You in Jesus’ name, AMEN.[1]

Next Week

Next week, we will be looking at James 2:14-22 and answering questions 1-5 on page 7 of the workbook. Have a wonderful week, ladies!

Featured image is from The Book Of James: Practical Faith Sermons.

By Among The Tares

Daughter of God, friend of Jesus, wife, and mother of two. ❤️ "I no longer call you slaves... Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." John 15:15

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